Print ISSN:-2394-4781

Online ISSN:-2394-4994


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Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia Indexed by Scopus

Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia


Table of Contents

Year-2022 | Volume: 9 | Issue: 2

Perioperative management of patients with post Covid rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis: Prospective observational study

Author : Devyani Desai, Neha Shah, Neha Cheraya, Bhoomika Kalarthi, Sagar Bavisetti, Parvathy D, Abhishek Zala, Kanchan Choube, Gaurav Cheraya

Doi :   Page No : 214-219

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Short Communication

Refilling USAID oxygen cylinders, indigenous solution to a foreign challenge

Author : S Kalyani Surya Dhana Lakshmi, Vikas Bhatia, Satyanarayana Devella

Doi :   Page No : 276-278

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (355)] [Download (243)]

The eye of the storm: bemusing the cause of the intraoperative conundrum!

Author : Vedhika Shanker, Maheshwari Shivashanmugam Kumar, Tuhin Mistry, Vipin Kumar Goel, Jagannathan Balavenkatasubhramanian

Doi :   Page No : 279-280

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (380)] [Download (229)]

Practical considerations in the anaesthetic management of thoracolumbar scoliosis correction surgery in a child with hecht–beals syndrome

Author : Madhanmohan Chandramohan, Tuhin Mistry, Jagannathan Balavenkatasubramanian, Vipin Kumar Goel, Senthilkumar Balasubramanian

Doi :   Page No : 288-290

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (373)] [Download (245)]