Print ISSN:-2394-4781

Online ISSN:-2394-4994


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Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia Indexed by Scopus

Usage Statistics (2023-2024)

Articles Fulltext Views PDF Downloads
1471 310
1172 348
1134 468
1085 1637

Case series: Opioid free anaesthesia

Author : Sai Krishna J*

Doi :   Page No : 379-381

1076 307
1072 781
917 543
916 403
914 786
897 751
893 613
866 433

Pre-operative screening of diabetic patients for heart rate variability and their hemodynamic responses during induction of general anaesthesia

Author : Nithya Dinesh, Geetha Lakshminarasimhaiah*, Arun Kumar, Smita Musti, Ridhi Rao, Ayesha Sabha Khavas

Doi :   Page No : 334-339

855 578
827 444
827 348
817 557
805 424
800 357
791 511
791 576
787 855
784 786
766 409
764 451
757 435
754 250

Management of a case of parathyroid adenoma- An anaesthetic challenge

Author : Heena D Pahuja, Geeta Sethuraman*, Shubhada Deshmukh, Anjali R Bhure, Savita Chauhan

Doi :   Page No : 142-145

742 1787
728 445
727 389
727 589