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Intraoperative sedation during regional anaesthesia (Caudal epidural anaesthesia) in paediatric patients: Role of intravenous dexemedetomidine

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Original Article

Author Details : Yogendra Singhal, Udita Naithani*, Seema Partani,, Lalit Kumar Raiger, Vikram Bedi

Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2018

Article Page : 591-595

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Introduction: To avoid adverse effects of general anaesthesia, regional anaesthesia (RA) techniques are increasingly being practiced in children for different surgeries. These RA techniques are often combined with moderate degree of sedation to remain child calm and immobile.
With limited literature available, we planned a prospective study to evaluate the effectiveness of dexemedetomidine as an intraoperative sedative agent with RA considering its short term sedation and least respiratory depression property.
Materials and Methods: Fifty children of 1-8 year of age, ASA grade 1&2 undergoing below umbilical surgery under RA (caudal epidural anaesthesia) were selected and studied. After giving Inj. Ketamine (1mg/kg) intravenously, RA was performed with Inj. Bupivacaine. Then inj. Dexemedetomidine (1mcg/kg) IV was administered as bolus over 10 min followed by continuous infusion (0.4 mcg/kg/hr) till completion of surgery. Perioperative sedation score, vital parameters, peripheral oxygen saturation, respiratory rate and surgeon's satisfaction were observed. The Study was considered complete till stay of patient in PACU for 2hrs. Recovery time and any complications were noted.
Results: The quality of sedation and surgeon's satisfaction were good in all children except three children who needed extra dose of sedative. The only adverse effects reported were bradycardia and hypotension in 3 patients which were well managed by reducing the infusion rate.
Conclusion: Dexemedetomidine offers an adequate level of sedation in most of the children without haemodynamic or respiratory side effects when used intraoperatively with RA.

Keywords: Dexemedetomidine, Ketamine, Regional anaesthesia, Caudal epidural anaesthesia.

How to cite : Singhal Y, Naithani U, Partani S, , Raiger L K, Bedi V, Intraoperative sedation during regional anaesthesia (Caudal epidural anaesthesia) in paediatric patients: Role of intravenous dexemedetomidine. Indian J Clin Anaesth 2018;5(4):591-595

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