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Comparison of two supraglottic airways - I-gel and Proseal laryngeal mask airway for ease of insertion and hemodynamic stability

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Author Details : Pratibha SD, Vidya Patil, Basvaraj Patil, Vijaya Sorganvi

Volume : 4, Issue : 3, Year : 2017

Article Page : 400-405

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Introduction and Aims: Supraglottic airway devices are safe and efficient in airway management. I-gelTM and ProsealTM laryngeal mask airway are supraglottic airway devices which are used to secure and maintain airway during anaesthesia with additional gastric channel. Aim of our study is to compare the efficacy of both the supraglottic airway devices, I-gel and Proseal LMA(PLMA) in patients under general anaesthesia with controlled ventilation.
Materials and Method: A total of 126 patients of ASA Grade I and II who underwent short surgical procedures were included and were randomly allocated to I-gel or PLMA group. Patients were induced with standard doses of propofol airway was secured with either of the supraglottic airway devices. We compared ease, duration of insertion, insertion attempts, mean pulse rate, mean arterial pressure (MAP), ease of gastric tube insertion and adverse events. Data was compiled and analyzed statistically by Mann –Whitney U test and Student t- test, the means and Chi- square test was compared for categorical variables.
Results: There was no significant change in demographic data and hemodynamics before premedication, after premedication, at induction and insertion in mean pulse rate and MAP. Mean time for insertion was significantly less in I-gel compared to PLMA. There was significant change in mean pulse rates and MAP in both groups at1, 3, 5, 10 and 15mins with mean pulse rate and MAP being higher in PLMA than I-gel. Gastric tube insertion was easier in I-gel group and sore throat was significant in PLMA.
Conclusion: I-gel is a better supraglottic airway device with higher first attempt success rate, was easy to insert, had better hemodynamic stability, with less incidence of sore throat compared to PLMA for controlled ventilation.

Keywords: I-gel airway, Proseal LMA, Controlled ventilation, Supraglottic airway device, Hemodynamics

How to cite : Pratibha Sd, Patil V, Patil B, Sorganvi V, Comparison of two supraglottic airways - I-gel and Proseal laryngeal mask airway for ease of insertion and hemodynamic stability. Indian J Clin Anaesth 2017;4(3):400-405

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