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A clinical comparative study of microcuff paediatric tracheal tube v/s uncuffed endotracheal tubes in paediatric airway management

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Author Details : Pooja MN, Uma BR

Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2017

Article Page : 234-237

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Background: In paediatric airway management, uncuffed Endo tracheal tubes(UETT) were always thought to be safe for practice. Cuffed ETT(CETT) were found to cause airway edema and increased resistance to airflow in the post extubation period. With the advent of Microcuff paediatric tracheal tube (MPTT), the airway management protocol has led to tremendous change. The goal of our study was to compare TT exchange rates and post extubation stridor between MPTT and uncuffed TTs in paediatrics.
Methods: 140 paediatric patients aged 1 to 6 yrs., requiring general anesthesia were divided into group ‘MPTT’ (Microcuff Paediatric Tracheal Tube) and group ‘U’ (Uncuffed ETT) randomly. Patients were intubated orally following which incidence of number of tube exchange rates and post-extubation stridor for both MPTT and uncuffed tubes was noted. In addition, airway sealing pressure was noted for MPTT.
Results: We found that, there was less tracheal tube exchange rate with MPTT and post extubation stridor was comparable with uncuffed ETT.
Conclusion: This clinical study shows that the MPTT are safe for use as they have fewer incidence of airway morbidity namely tube exchange rates and post extubation stridor.

Keywords: Cuff pressure, Microcuff paediatric tracheal tubes, Stridor, Tracheal sealing pressure, Tube exchange rate, Uncuffed tube

How to cite : Pooja Mn, Uma Br, A clinical comparative study of microcuff paediatric tracheal tube v/s uncuffed endotracheal tubes in paediatric airway management. Indian J Clin Anaesth 2017;4(2):234-237

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