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Induction characteristics of sevoflurane in children: A comparison with halothane

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Author Details : Tejesh CA, Shashikala TK, Viswanathan PN

Volume : 4, Issue : 1, Year : 2017

Article Page : 132-137

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Introduction: Halothane has been the inhalational induction agent most often used in paediatric anaesthesia as it provides smooth induction with good intubating conditions. However, it is associated with disadvantages like myocardial depression and arrhythmias. Sevoflurane having low blood-gas solubility allows for rapid induction, has less myocardial depression and its pleasant odour may make it a suitable agent of inhalational induction in children. Hence, the present study was undertaken to compare the induction and intubation characteristics of sevoflurane and halothane.
Methods: The study population consisted of 200 children aged 1-12yrs, who were randomly assigned into two groups. Group H received incremental concentrations of halothane 0.5-5% and Group S received incremental concentrations of sevoflurane 1-7%. Induction and intubation times, induction and intubation characteristics, and haemodynamics were studied.
Results: The induction and intubation times were shorter with sevoflurane compared with halothane (Group H v/s Group S; induction time 108.6 sec ± 13.3 v/s 64.2 sec ±12.7, intubation time 282.8sec ±34.1 v/s 213sec ±42.6 (P<0.05)). The induction related side effects were minimal with both agents and did not come in the way of smooth induction. 93% children with halothane and 88% children with sevoflurane had acceptable intubating conditions. Halothane was associated with slight decrease in heart rate and mean arterial pressure, whereas sevoflurane was not associated with any significant haemodyamic changes.
Conclusion: Sevoflurane produces rapid induction than halothane and intubation time is achieved faster with sevoflurane than halothane. Induction with both agents is associated with minimal induction complications and acceptable intubating conditions are obtained with both agents in majority of children.

Keywords: Paediatric anaesthesia, Halothane, Sevoflurane, Inhalational induction, Inhalational intubation

How to cite : Tejesh Ca, Shashikala Tk, Viswanathan Pn, Induction characteristics of sevoflurane in children: A comparison with halothane. Indian J Clin Anaesth 2017;4(1):132-137

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