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Tramadol attenuates the post anaesthetic emergence events-a randomised clinical trial

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Author Details : D.G. Talikoti, Shivanand L Karigar, Shreedevi Mulimani

Volume : 3, Issue : , Year : 2016

Article Page : 451-454

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Introduction: General anesthesia is most commonly used anesthesia technique for most of the cases. Emergence phenomenon is very commonly encountered by the anesthesiologists during extubataion. Adverse emergence events can have harmful effects on the patient’s outcome, so controlling of emergence events is at most important to have good outcome after general anesthesia.
Objectives: to assess the tramadol efficiency in suppressing post-anaesthesia emergence.
Methods: A total of 100 adult patients age between 20-40 years, with ASA I and II undergoing surgeries under general anesthesia, were divided into two groups each of 50. One group received tramadol and other group receive saline of equal quantity and approximately 30 min before reversal. We have monitored and recorded the incidence of shivering, onset of cough (weak or forceful), post-extubation laryngeal spasm, breath holding and increased muscle tone and lastly awakening and restlessness.
Results: Tramadol reduced the incidence of shivering, reduced the restlessness, own attempt to extubate, zero percentage of patients had increased muscle tone and breath holding. We also observed that zero percent of forceful cough in tramadol group and post extubataion laryngeal spasm.
Conclusion: A dose of  1 mg/kg tramadol administered intravenously 30 min before reversal of anesthesia has decreased incidence of coughing, sudden awakening, restlessness, own attempt to extubate, post-extubation laryngeal spasm and incidence of shivering.

Emergence phenomenon; Tramadol; General anesthesia

How to cite : Talikoti D, Karigar S L, Mulimani S, Tramadol attenuates the post anaesthetic emergence events-a randomised clinical trial. Indian J Clin Anaesth 2016;3():451-454

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