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Received : 07-02-2024

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A retrospective analysis of anesthetic techniques and their related perioperative complications in children undergoing cochlear implant surgeries – our preliminary experience at a tertiary care referral centre

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Original Article

Author Details : Raksha Kundal, Preeti Goyal Varshney, Vidhi Chandra, Kriti Puri*, Maitree Pandey, Sunil Kumar

Volume : 11, Issue : 1, Year : 2024

Article Page : 8-13

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Background: Cochlear implants serve as a favorable option for treatment of hearing loss in children. However, there is limited data regarding the type of anesthetic techniques used and its associated complications in such patients. Hence, the primary objective of this study was evaluation of postoperative nausea vomiting (PONV) with three different general anesthesia techniques in pediatric cochlear implant surgeries. The secondary objectives included assessment of intraoperative and postoperative complications
Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis of all children less than 13 years, who underwent cochlear implant surgery at our hospital between December 2019 to February 2022 was performed. Appropriate data were noted. Nine patients each were classified into three groups (Group A, B and C) on the basis of anesthetic techniques used in our institution. Group A received inhalational agent for induction and maintenance, with no Non-Depolarizing Muscle Relaxant (NDMR), Group B patients received Total Intravenous Anesthesia with NDMR and Group C received intravenous induction and inhalational agent for maintenance with NDMR.
Results: Twenty-seven patients were included. There were no major intraoperative complications. PONV was noticed in two patients of Group A and one patient of Group C. One patient belonging to Group A developed laryngospasm and desaturation. Delayed Awakening was seen in one patient each of Group A, B and C. Overall, four complications were noted in patients of Group A, one in Group B and two in Group C. All complications were mild and were managed successfully.
Conclusion: This preliminary study suggests that peri-operative anesthetic complications with all three anesthestic techniques were comparable and safe.

Keywords: Cochlear implant, Complications, PONV, Pediatric.

How to cite : Kundal R, Varshney P G, Chandra V, Puri K, Pandey M, Kumar S, A retrospective analysis of anesthetic techniques and their related perioperative complications in children undergoing cochlear implant surgeries – our preliminary experience at a tertiary care referral centre. Indian J Clin Anaesth 2024;11(1):8-13

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